Baton Rouge Chapter Facets
“Meeting the Challenges of the 21st Century by facilitating programs to enrich the quality of life for persons of African Ancestry”
The VISION of the National Trends and Services facet is to eliminate disparities by reducing barriers to services through advocacy, education, and service.
The Links, Incorporated’s Services to Youth facet is an integrated approach to preparing young people to succeed in the 21st-century workforce.
Our mission is to service the educational, health and cultural needs of people of African descent throughout the world.
The Baton Rouge Chapter of The Links, Inc. is playing a significant role in by providing information and services to school children and their families, to university students and the others in the greater Baton Rouge Community.
Annually, we honor Louisiana natives who have had a positive and insightful impact on the local, state and national level.

Judy Johnson-White
The Arts